Traditional Governmental Finance

Our attorneys work with state and local government entities to structure financing transactions for projects including, building, street, road, highway, bridge and sidewalk improvements, as well as constructing airports, stadiums, hospitals, convention facilities and public housing.  This work also includes infrastructure, such as water and sewer projects.

We routinely advise clients at every step of the transaction, from the preparation of authorizing legislation and issuer documentation to managing securities and tax law compliance. Our experience enables us to work with all types of investment banking firms, financial institutions, trustees, rating agencies and credit support providers, both in our role as bond counsel and in providing counsel to underwriters and purchasers. We provide advice and assistance regarding the impact of fund transfers, refundings, tax levy proceedings, special assessment proceedings, derivative products, bank eligibility, arbitrage compliance and rebate calculations (if any), and continuing disclosure.

In addition to our counsel on transactional matters, our attorneys remain active in helping shape public finance law. We have drafted changes to state statutes and regulations, which enables us to remain ahead of developments impacting our clients and provides us with a detailed knowledge of state and local funding requirements.

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