Time Flies...The Opportunity of Now

February 4, 2020Articles
Lawyers Quarterly

Dinsmore litigation partner Charles Ticknor was recently published in Lawyers Quarterly regarding the utility of belonging to the Columbus Bar Association:

"How does CBA membership help others? The answer is obvious. It is inherent in the
nature of community that we help each other. With the Cornerstone Membership
Program, the help is far more tangible. I have come to learn that large firms provide a huge foundation upon which the CBA grows.

"It is hard to believe that I have been a lawyer for 30 years. It’s true what our parents and grandparents have told us: time flies. It is a powerful perception that gets stronger with age. I mention this not to advocate living only for today, but as a reminder that
we all should live and be present in the moment. Do it for your family, friends, colleagues and community. And do it for yourself. Time flies.

"When CBA Executive Director Jill Snitcher told me about her idea for the Cornerstone Membership Program, I was immediately intrigued. For decades, our local bar association has been one of the best in the United States, and our approach has been emulated throughout the country. The CBA is widely known for its professionalism, collegiality, and
forward thinking."

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