Dinsmore's Lindsay Gerdes Discusses Opioid Liability Ruling for Doctors

July 6, 2022Quotes & Mentions

Dinsmore litigation partner Lindsay K. Gerdes recently spoke with Law360 for an article about how SCOTUS raised the bar for what the government must prove to criminally charge a doctor for prescribing opioids. An excerpt is below.

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP partner Lindsay K. Gerdes, a onetime DOJ prosecutor, told Law360 that Monday's ruling in Ruan v. U.S. and Kahn v. U.S. "dealt a significant blow to the Department of Justice" when it comes to winning future convictions and preserving past ones.

"The Supreme Court has significantly raised the bar for what the government must prove to criminally charge a doctor for prescribing opioids," Gerdes said. "Convictions across the country will likely be overturned in light of this decision."



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