Michael W. Hawkins

Dinsmore's Mike Hawkins Provides Winning Strategies in Mediation

July 1, 2023Quotes & Mentions
CBA Report

Cincinnati partner, Michael Hawkins has been a regular contributor to the Cincinnati Bar Association's bi-monthly publication, The Report.

In his latest article, Mike discusses winning strategies in mediation. An excerpt is below.

"The use of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution solution in 2023 has gained significant popularity. Some of the reasons for the increased use of mediation has been: greater education and acceptance of alternative dispute resolution  versus litigation; the increased cost of litigation; COVID impact with cases lingering; parties wanting quicker resolution; the growth of virtual mediations; court mandated or encouraged mediation; and, the increased availability of qualified court and private mediators."

"As someone who has been mediating cases since the mid-90s with a variety of counsel, parties and issues, there are a number of strategies and practices counsel can and should employ to get the best results for their clients."

You can find Mike's full column here.