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21 Dinsmore Attorneys in 60 Practice Areas Honored on 2020 Cincy Leading Lawyers List

December 30, 2019News Releases

Cincy Magazine has named 21 Dinsmore & Shohl attorneys to its 2020 Leading Lawyers list. While Dinsmore’s 235 local attorneys comprise just 3.5 percent of all lawyers in the city, they represent seven percent of the 300 Cincy Leading Lawyers, demonstrating their superlative skills across dozens of practice areas.

All Leading Lawyers were nominated by local peers. The nomination list is then reviewed by the magazine’s editorial committee for final selection.

Dinsmore’s Leading Lawyers include 14 partners, five of counsel and two associates. Among them, they represent 60 services and/or practice groups that Dinsmore offers. The most-awarded areas of practice are Dinsmore’s Corporate & Transactional and Litigation groups, each of which boasts eight Leading Lawyers. Those are followed by Class Action and Product Liability with five Leading Lawyers apiece.

“To have a number of our transactional attorneys recognized in this way by peers is a tremendous honor,” said Dinsmore Corporate Department Chair Bobby Lucas. “It is an acknowledgement of the consistently high-quality legal work and client service provided by Dinsmore’s Corporate department.”

See the full list of Dinsmore Leading Lawyers and their areas of practice below.

Anthony Bickel, associate: 11, 13, 47
Calvin Buford, partner: 13
Eric Combs, partner: 9, 35, 44
Peter Draugelis, partner: 13, 32
Marty Dunn, partner: 11, 13, 40, 6, 47, 51
Michael Eagan, of counsel: 4, 9, 28, 35, 36, 44, 53, 54
William Freedman, of counsel: 12, 14, 22, 25, 26 43, 48, 52
Karen Gaunt, partner: 29, 30, 31, 35, 55
Michael Glassman, partner: 5, 10, 18, 19, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 50, 57, 59, 60
Michael Hawkins, partner: 1, 5, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 32, 33, 34, 41, 50, 57, 60
David Kamp, partner of counsel: 35
Kim Martin Lewis, partner: 7, 13
Charles Roesch, partner: 2, 5, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 33, 34, 41, 50, 57, 60
Bradley Ruwe, partner: 16, 17, 27, 45, 46, 56
Mark Silbersack, of counsel: 3, 4, 36, 37, 44, 53
Brian Sullivan, partner: 28, 35, 44
Mark Vander Laan, of counsel: 4, 23, 24, 35, 39, 48, 58
Adam Vernick, associate: 3, 13, 15, 32
George Vincent, partner: 8, 13, 24, 38
Ben Wells, partner: 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 25, 48, 52
Frank Woodside, of counsel: 9, 26, 35, 36, 37, 44, 53, 54

  1. ADR Center
  2. Affirmative Action Plans/OFCCP Compliance
  3. Antitrust & Trade Regulation (2)
  4. Appellate (3)
  5. Audits Counseling & Training (3)
  6. Banking & Financial Services
  7. Bankruptcy & Restructuring
  8. Capital Markets
  9. Class Action (5)
  10. Collective Bargaining Negotiations (3)
  11. Commercial Finance (2)
  12. Compensation & Benefits (2)
  13. Corporate & Transactional (8)
  14. Corporate Taxation (2)
  15. Cybersecurity & Data Privacy
  16. Economic Development
  17. Education Public Finance
  18. Employment (3)
  19. Employment Discrimination Litigation (3)
  20. ERISA Litigation & Administrative Proceedings (2)
  21. ESOPs
  22. Executive Compensation (2)
  23. Government Investigations
  24. Government Relations (2)
  25. Health & Welfare Benefits (2)
  26. Health Care (2)
  27. Health Care Public Finance
  28. Insurance (2)
  29. Intellectual Property
  30. Intellectual Property Licensing
  31. Intellectual Property Litigation
  32. International Business (4)
  33. Labor (3)
  34. Labor Arbitrations (3)
  35. Litigation (8)
  36. Mass Tort (3)
  37. Medical Malpractice (2)
  38. Mergers & Acquisitions
  39. Municipal & Government
  40. Nonprofit Organizations
  41. NLRB Issues (3)
  42. OSHA
  43. Private Client & Family Wealth Planning
  44. Product Liability (5)
  45. Public Finance
  46. Public Utilities Public Finance
  47. Real Estate (2)
  48. Retirement Plan Documents (2)
  49. Securities Enforcement
  50. Strike Preparation/Litigation (3)
  51. Tax Credits, Affordable Housing & Economic Development
  52. Tax Planning (2)
  53. Tort (3)
  54. Toxic Tort (2)
  55. Trademark Procurement/Management & Copyright
  56. Traditional Government Finance
  57. Wage/Hour Law (3)
  58. White-Collar Crime
  59. Workplace Safety
  60. Wrongful Discharge (3)
ADR CenterAncillary ServicesBankruptcy/RestructuringBeer, Wine & SpiritsCapital MarketsCommercial FinanceCompensation & BenefitsConstruction IndustryCorporate & TransactionalCybersecurity & Data PrivacyEducation IndustryEmploymentEntertainment IndustryEnvironmental LawEnvironmental, Social & Governance (ESG)Equine IndustryFinancial Services IndustryGaming IndustryGovernment RelationsHealth Care IndustryImmigrationInsurance IndustryIntellectual PropertyInternational BusinessLaborLife Sciences IndustryLitigationMergers & AcquisitionsNatural ResourcesNon-Profit OrganizationsPrivate Client & Family Wealth PlanningPublic FinancePublic Utilities IndustryReal EstateTaxationTransportation IndustryWhite Collar DefenseWorkplace Safety