Jason S. Long

West Virginia Education Workshop Series

October 11, 2018 at 1:00pm4:00pm (EST)
Courtyard Marriott

*Please note the new location for our Morgantown workshop.

460 Courtyard Street

Morgantown, WV  26501

Please join Dinsmore attorneys Jason Long, Jacob Manning and Denise Spatafore at one of Dinsmore's West Virginia offices for a complimentary workshop from 1-4 p.m. 

These workshop will be beneficial to new employees dealing with personnel, and a refresher for those who have been involved with the hiring of personnel. We would also welcome individual board members to participate so they can better understand the hiring process. 

Update: the WVSBA will award 3-hours of CLE credit to board members.

Professional Personnel 101 (W. Va. Code 18A-4-7a and WVDE 5000)
               - Hiring of classroom teachers
               - Hiring of building administrators
               - Hiring of central office administrators
   Service Personnel 101 (W. Va. Code 18A-4-8b)
               - Hiring of service personnel
               - Multi-classification issues
               - Extracurricular and extra-duty discussion
               - Substitutes
               - Hiring of coaches
               - RIFs/Transfers
               - Summer employment