Represented a home health care company against allegations of fraud and Ohio Medicaid audit, resulting in no fraud or liability
We represented a home health care company when the Ohio Department of Medicaid sought to implement an Ohio Auditor of State’s audit to recover over $700,000 that Medicaid claimed our client was over-reimbursed. During the case, we discovered that the auditor had considered incomplete and inaccurate data to support the claim and extrapolation of overpayment. We worked with the client to carefully and meticulously examine and organize all of the appropriate documents and files to show that the auditor’s records were incomplete and that our client, in fact, had not been overpaid at all. After we exchanged discovery with Medicaid and prepared the case for hearing, Medicaid voluntarily dismissed the case, resulting in zero liability for our client. During the case, our client and three related entities had also been suspended from Ohio Medicaid for a credible allegation of fraud, but our representation resulted in the suspensions being lifted.