Dinsmore Webinar: Strategies for Health Care Entities to Minimize the Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis

April 9, 2020 at 12:00pm12:30pm (EDT)

As the COVID-19 outbreak spreads, the financial impact on health care providers has been staggering. This webinar is intended for all health care providers, including hospitals, physician groups, ambulatory surgical centers, and skilled nursing facilities, and the goal is to provide information related to common questions we have been getting from our clients about how to weather the financial storm caused by the disruption in operations related to COVID-19.

Join our panel discussion as we outline business and legal strategies to help you navigate the operational and financial impact this global crisis may present to your organization, including:

  • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans from the SBA;
  • Medicare advance payments;
  • Telehealth and related licensure issues;
  • Use of Ambulatory Surgical Center or nursing home space for surge capacity; and
  • Other potential revenue opportunities under the recent CMS waivers.