ABA National Legal Malpractice Conference/Planning for the Unexpected Firm Crisis (Ethics)

September 12, 2019
San Diego

Planning for the Unexpected Firm Crisis (Ethics)

An unexpected crisis within a law firm, such as illness, accident or death, the sudden departure of key attorneys and personnel, a malpractice claim or data breach, or other adverse event can cause massive disruption to the everyday life within a law firm. This session will explore ways law firms can prepare for the unexpected and create a plan of action to follow in the midst of chaos to help guide firms through a tumultuous time without leaving clients in the lurch. This session will address succession planning issues, ethical considerations, and relevant Model Rules of Professional Conduct, including Rule 1.1 (competency); Rule 1.1, comment [8] (technological competency); Rule 1.3, comment [5] (diligence in the event of death or disability); Rule 1.4 (client communication); and Rule 1.6 (confidentiality).

Heidi Wagner Dorn, Of Counsel, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, Columbus, OH
Gretchen Koehler Mote, Director of Loss Prevention, Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company, Columbus, OH
Camille Stell, President and CEO, Lawyers Mutual Consulting and Services, Cary, NC (moderator)

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