Our team of experienced Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) attorneys handles transactions in all areas of the United States.  We represent sponsoring employers, selling shareholders, boards of directors, plan trustees, lenders and independent fiduciaries.  In this arena, we work with existing counsel or serve as special ESOP counsel for a specific transaction.

Our attorneys have experience interacting with the IRS and the Department of Labor, which enables us to navigate the complex regulatory environment affecting clients.

As a full-service, national law firm with experience in employee benefits, we also assist our ESOP clients with employ benefits and compensation matters and other legal services ESOPs need.

Dinsmore attorneys are active members of the National Center for Employee Ownership, The ESOP Association, the Employee-Owned S Corporations of America, the Association for Corporate Growth and the Ohio Employee Ownership Center, providing us with a strong network of resources throughout the country. Additionally, our attorneys are frequently sought to author and speak about ESOPs on local, regional and national levels.

As a national law firm, we also offer clients experience in many other areas, including:

  • Employment law,
  • Corporate finance,
  • Wealth planning,
  • Executive compensation,
  • Corporate and individual tax,
  • Mergers and acquisitions,
  • Creditors rights and reorganization, and
  • Administrative law and litigation
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