Commercial FinanceNews

Dinsmore Adds Veteran Business Counsel Landra D. Blackwell

June 20, 2019News Releases

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP is pleased to welcome Landra D. Blackwell as a partner in the firm’s commercial finance and banking practice. She joins Dinsmore from the Louisville office of Stoll Keenon Ogden.

With a diverse practice that spans finance, real estate and transactional law, Blackwell counsels financial institutions, lenders and equity investors regarding deal structure and financial compliance. She has deep experience in advising on loan restructurings and workouts and regularly advises clients through joint venture transactions and loan negotiations.

An active member of the Louisville Bar Association, Blackwell has chaired LBA’s corporate law section and completed its Leadership Academy. She is a graduate of the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law and admitted to practice in both Kentucky and Texas.

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