Christopher D. Lee

The Indiana Lawyer Asks Christopher Lee About How He Chooses Experts

August 2, 2023Quotes & Mentions
The Indiana Lawyer

A recent article by The Indiana Lawyer looked into why attorneys use expert witnesses in their cases. They say the number of expert witnesses, and even companies who provide their expertise, has seen substantial growth in recent years.

Christopher Lee, a partner in Dinsmore’s Indianapolis office, was asked his thoughts. He says he prefers to use local experts in cases, believing they tend to relate better to juries.

An excerpt of Chris’ thoughts are below.

"Lee said every attorney seems to have their own set of experts.

Typically, Lee said he provides little preparation to experts he hires for cases. He said he hires a lot more experts to help him understand the subject matter of particular cases than he does to testify in front of a jury.

'They’ve forgotten more about the topic than I’ll ever know,' he said."

To read the entire article from The Indiana Lawyer here.